퓨어 담마(Pure Dhamma)

붓다의 참된 가르침을 회복하기 위한 탐구

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  • JBM 법문-녹취
  • 원문 홈
  • {"google":["PT Serif"],"custom":["Nanum Gothic","Noto Sans KR","Nanum Barun Gothic"]}


    기타 영어 음성법문


    1) Desana by Ven. Chaminda Tennakoon

    in Path to Nibbana


    [PTN] MUST LISTEN to Become a REAL BUDDHIST, https://youtu.be/hcuI4L4C8ks

    [PTN] Anichcha Dukkha Anaththa, https://youtu.be/PbGMcy2A7Ss

    [PTN] Noble eightfold path, https://youtu.be/lK-qNtKGvRI

    [PTN] What is a Karmasthana and why do you need them?, https://youtu.be/FmgXrzKyOFE


    법문 전체 주소 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaYwFme-g9K5-N-_senWLgA/featured


    2) Desana by Ven. Vilaskadival

    in Ariya Nissaranaye Maga and Understanding Buddha’s Teachings


    [ANM-UBT]2018-04-02 Saccavibhanga Sutta, https://youtu.be/hcXaD96EfUc

     - MP3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dY-YxhEPJqO40spDasM4XsSRewHZu8Wt/view?usp=sharing

    [ANM]2018-04-18 ENGLISH Discussion, https://youtu.be/AwaWf_e_cP4

     - MP3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i1zjVk3mnpaACnZhOFzTu64ZXvqoeRra/view?usp=sharing

    [ANM-UBT]2018-05-01 Buddha Dhamma Desana - Udayavaya naana, https://youtu.be/-QSk7pxbE7I

     - MP3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/189-BtK5GKeqA6QR5qzpMUXxDClnFZf_c/view?usp=sharing

    [ANM-UBT]2018-05-02 Buddha Desana - Udayavaya naana and other aspects of Buddha Dhamma

    (약 40분부터 영어 문답), https://youtu.be/1d6I6rwc8lU

     - MP3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CfSSe34QrsF8-22ONQsN77nd0tEg73nG/view?usp=sharing


    법문 전체 주소 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM0GSLye8Js09qO8ebgEywg


    3) Desana by Ven. Vimuththa Therani in Aloka Upapadi


    [AU]CT2018_Insight~Sathdharmaya(Canada)~Toronto~Day 9(1/4), https://youtu.be/WunOCu3vQKg

    [AU]CT2018_Insight~Sathdharmaya(Canada)~Toronto~Day 9(2/4), https://youtu.be/PyRr5Oa1wiI

    [AU]CT2018_Insight~Sathdharmaya(Canada)~Toronto~Day 9(3/4)_Q-A, https://youtu.be/Dtb3gkb9N9U

    [AU]CT2018_Insight~Sathdharmaya(Canada)~Toronto~Day 9(4/4)_Meditation, https://youtu.be/sWnfAGOfdbA


    법문 전체 주소https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHcA3qBIPf55vRbeVCBhNgQ

    {"google":["PT Serif"],"custom":["Nanum Gothic","Noto Sans KR"]}{"google":["PT Serif"],"custom":["Nanum Gothic","Noto Sans KR","Nanum Barun Gothic"]}
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