퓨어 담마(Pure Dhamma)

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  • {"google":["PT Serif"],"custom":["Nanum Gothic","Noto Sans KR","Nanum Barun Gothic"]}


    DOE 음성법문

    Desana by Ven. B. Amadassana Thero at Dharmayai Obai Monastery


    This is the place where we can find REAL PHILOSOPHY OF THE LORD BUDDHA, https://youtu.be/8Wss5Hwba5o

    Meditation of Arya Maithree, https://youtu.be/-HHEgLNl5Sg


    2017 07 30 DOE (Who is the expert of your life), https://youtu.be/dx7270EKc6M

    2017 08 06 DOE (Finding true happiness), https://youtu.be/zKesfejQ4Y8

    2017 08 13 DOE (Foundation is pina), https://youtu.be/EF-ijmshD8w

    2017 08 20 DOE (Can you become an Arahant), https://youtu.be/rMcOdFDd26E

    2017 09 03 DOE (I found happiness), https://youtu.be/1fnftHsnKQA

    2017 09 05 DOE (How we bring the suffering to us), https://youtu.be/-BgAmMf-Qpw

    2017 09 17 DOE Dharmayai Obai English, https://youtu.be/nsbmgSRotYY

    2017 10 08 DOE Dharmayai Obai English, https://youtu.be/VuguPm30R_A

    2017 10 22 DOE Dharmayai Obai English, https://youtu.be/_GhTFCrZ0bg

    2017 10 29 DOE Dharmayai Obai English, https://youtu.be/IhIkKvv2ah0

    2017 11 05 DOE (Expectation is the biggest culprit), https://youtu.be/iiC8HWEO9aA

    2017 11 12 DOE (Annica vatha Sankara), https://youtu.be/utCDeXePgZU

    2017 11 19 DOE (Are you standing on a bed of nails), https://youtu.be/a2oRv34hdx8

    2017 11 26 DOE (Is it really worth it), https://youtu.be/YyiY_GGVIuw

    2017 12 17 DOE (The Five Aggregates), https://youtu.be/xQ9jbcEN4CI

    2017 12 24 DOE (Be like the Earth, Fire, Wind and Water), https://youtu.be/yCiDbhZmCtE

    2017 12 31 DOE (Don’t be a rat!), https://youtu.be/m_YBgZUPOpo


    2018 01 07 DOE (And then there were papadums!), https://youtu.be/RqUWRsE_fBo

    2018 01 14 DOE (Ferrari in a Pentagon), https://youtu.be/VbaDj2Is9iw

    2018 01 21 DOE (When are you going to stop playing the game), https://youtu.be/-5tIji7dzJ0

    2018 01 28 DOE (Where is my chocolate cake), https://youtu.be/j829Iosk_-8

    2018 02 04 DOE (Tame your mind by being a  friend to yourself), https://youtu.be/ZGL60R40RZ0

    2018 02 10 DOE (What is Sankathai, Paticca Samuppannai), https://youtu.be/PfTkeufxuCc

    2018 02 18 DOE (Make yourself an obituary!), https://youtu.be/8q58HTotz2c

    2018 02 25 DOE (Is this what you’re doing to be happy), https://youtu.be/yctIbYsNQtA


    2020 08 30 DOSE 현재

    법문 전체 주소https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGrCtt8wuHbOz67iBmmtrI2rGfj-uoYfQ


    Dharmayai Obai Jethavanarama Viharaya



    아마닷사나 테로님의 영어 법문의 새로운 유튜브 채널(실시간 영어 법문 청취 가능 - 매주 일요일 한국시간 PM 5:30)

    (Jethavanarama Buddhist Monastery)



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